Dispatch like you mean it

The Zello Dispatch Hub gives your hardworking team the tools they need to optimize dispatch efficiency and get the job done.

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Modern, stress-free dispatch

Zello Dispatch Hub is a centralized push-to-talk dispatch platform that allows dispatchers to easily handle high call volumes and share the workload to support the frontline faster.

Learn more about Zello for transportation
  • Shareable call queue

    Calls are received by all available dispatchers so they can share their workload, cover for each other, and reply more quickly.

  • Dispatch never misses a call

    Every incoming call is registered in the pending calls list and can be replayed so no one has to repeat themselves.

  • Not just push-to-talk

    Once a call is accepted, communicate in real-time via HD voice, photo, or text.

  • Dispatch can juggle multiple tasks

    Transcribed calls to the dispatch channel help dispatchers quickly scan the content to evaluate urgency, allowing them to more easily multitask and prioritize their work

Safety starts with dispatch

Dispatchers do much more than relay information. With the right tools, they’re the driving force for creating a safer environment for drivers.

Learn more about emergency alerts
  • Let drivers focus

    Dispatchers reply one-to-one, keeping their drivers focused on driving rather than straining to hear a response over distracting radio chatter.

  • Visual confirmation of message received

    Drivers see that their message has been received so they can rest assured that their lifeline—the dispatch team—is on it.

  • Dispatch to the rescue

    Emergency alerts sent by drivers with a dedicated panic button are automatically routed to a designated channel with location data so dispatchers can help immediately.

Actionable analytics

Insights only matter if you can do something with them. Dispatch Hub gathers and collates deep operational analytics to help managers shift resources and optimize efficiency.

  • Understand operations

    Continuously improve operational performance with visibility into the busiest times of day, the busiest days of the week, and the number of dispatchers handling calls.

  • Schedule wisely

    Assign the right number of dispatchers on days and times that you know are busiest for you.

  • Empower your teams

    Understand how long it takes for problems to be resolved and give your dispatch team the resources they need to solve them.

Real-time location updates

A key component of getting things done efficiently is knowing where everyone is. Zello Dispatch Hub automatically tracks and locates every worker on your team.

  • See who’s closest

    Need someone to pick up a last minute package? Just check on Dispatch Hub for the closest person and send them on their way.

  • Beat traffic

    Get headlights on real time traffic updates so dispatchers can help guide drivers and estimate arrival times.

  • Access location history

    Understand and optimize operations and solve any disputes surrounding delivery times with a daily log of everywhere a user was with times and routes.

Customizable channels

Unlike outdated two-way radios and legacy push-to-talk, Zello leverages flexible channel creation, allowing you to communicate with precision, one-to-few or one-to-all.

Learn more about channels
  • Open all-talk channels

    When everyone needs to know everything, create open channels with up to 7000 users to keep information flowing and everyone up-to-date.

  • Dispatch channels

    All calls coming from drivers are routed to dispatchers directly. Drivers don’t have to hear other drivers, but dispatchers can hear all drivers. Reduce noise between drivers keeping them safer on the road.

  • Broadcast channels

    Send urgent messages to the entire organization on broadcast channels. Replies are routed to dispatchers only, focusing resources on the issue at hand.

1 x Testimonial

Kimberly Lesher

Transportation Manager, Carey Dallas

Zello’s Dispatch Hub works very well and gives us a level of flexibility we didn’t have before.